
Downloading the Package Archive

The AMDGPU graphics stack is delivered as an archive of native packages. Prior to installation, you must first obtain the archive from your AMD Customer Engagement Representative or from the AMD web site.

Download the AMDGPU-Pro tar archive (for example, to ~/Downloads), which contains the installation script.

Extracting the Package Archive

Extract the tar archive to a known location. Replace XXXXXX in the following commands with the actual build number of the downloaded file:

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-18.30-XXXXXX.tar.xz
$ cd ~/Downloads/amdgpu-pro-18.30-XXXXXX

Configuring Access to the Distribution Repository (RHEL and SLE only)

AMDGPU stack depends on packages provided by the Linux distribution vendors.

The AMDGPU-Pro driver requires access to specific RPMs from Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) installation media for the purpose of dependency resolution. You must ensure one of the following:

  • Have a valid subscription and be connected to Internet during installation.
  • Mount an installation media (for example, DVD, USB key or ISO file). Media mounting instructions for Red Hat systems are provided at For SLE, use YaST to add the installation media as a new repository, see the SUSE documentation for details.


In previous releases (before 18.30), a script named was provided to carry out this step and to perform other pre-installation checks and configuration. Starting with 18.30, all external dependencies (excluding dependencies on packages provided by the Linux distribution vendor) have been eliminated and the checks have been integrated into amdgpu-install. Consequently, has been eliminated to streamline installation. However, access to distribution media or online package repositories is still required to satisfy base operating system dependencies. It is assumed most customers have a subscription with access to online repositories or are using a Linux distribution which does not require a subscription and has online repositories enabled by default.